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Lamas Lemon -Tissue Culture Plants (Citrus x Lamas 'Improved')

Lamas Lemon -Tissue Culture Plants (Citrus x Lamas 'Improved')

Regular price Rs. 589.00
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The Lamas Lemons is the highest quality variety  origin  in Turkey. Just like the “Interdonato” variety, Lamas Lemons give an round the year harvest. The lemon peel is of medium thickness, yellow, uniform and shiny. The fruit size is medium, the shape is elongated, cylindrical.  The pulp of the Lamas Lemons is yellow, the weight is 85-120 grams. There are less seeds in one fruit. This lemon variety is fertile and juicy. The Lamas Lemon are naturally present in tropical and subtropical climates. Due to favorable climatic conditions, Turkey is one of the leaders of the world market for growing lamas lemons. These are grown all year round in Turkey, which allows wholesale suppliers to constantly export to other countries. Lamas Lemon  is suitable for storage and transportation.

Lamas Lemons have a rich vitamin and mineral composition. They contain a large amount of vitamin C. Due to the high content of vitamin C. Lamas Lemons help protect against various diseases and strengthen the immune system. Also, due to the presence of useful substances, this variety of lemon has an antioxidant effect.

    The Lamas Lemons tree can grow in your garden or in a pot. It requires adequate sunlight, well-drained soil, and consistent moisture to thrive. You can maintain moisture in the pot, but don't over water it, as this may kill your plant. After 1 month, you can transplant it into a slightly bigger pot than the present pot or directly into the ground. 

    Here are some tips for caring for your Lamas Lemons tree:

    • Soil: Provide moist, very well-draining soil, but avoid making it soggy.
    • Watering: Prefer deep, infrequent watering to sporadic light watering.
    • Sunlight: All citrus require full sun.
    • Fertilizing: Fertilize in late winter before bloom and regularly throughout the growing season.
    • Pruning: Prune in early spring, after fear of frost to the desired shape.
    • Mature Height: 6-10 ft. pruned
    • Mature Width: 6-8 ft.
    • Sunlight: direct sunlight 6-8 hrs
    • Blooms: Lamas lemon tree typically blooms annually
    • Growth Rate: Moderate
    • Spacing: 8-12ft  


    Harvest Time Lamas LemonLamas Lemon -Tissue Culture Plants (Citrus x Lamas 'Improved')

         Experience the distinctive taste and versatility of Lamas Lemons in your culinary adventures and enjoy the rewards of growing this cherished variety in your garden


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        Customer Reviews

        Based on 4 reviews
        Good healthy plant

        Recieved a healthy tissues culture lemon plant big size, expected a bigger sized and matured plant for the price paid. Packaging was excellent for shipping the plants helpfull people for knowledge, information and suggestions asked regarding any plant.

        Nikhil Rawat
        Plant in great health

        Very healthy plant received. Thanks celgen.

        Dr A K Venu Gopal

        Plant recieved in very good condition
        Packing was excellent
        Plant with soil ball has been potted in a bigger pot with coir compost
        Plant remains green and healthy
        Will be put in the ground only after 1 month

        Jasvinder Singh Duggal

        Received a healthy plant with excellent packing ever sean.